So i made "DLC" for Scavenger Witch album. After realized that lore of text is too long to read than ends one track of chapter, so i decided to make more tracks. Originally i want make us ep, but it grows us full long album.
Lore you can read here:
Michelle design i heavenly inspired by Somsnosa from Hylics, Magic Man from Adventure Time and some witch OC that i forgot.
Scaramorph was cameo in that album especially part when Uesli's chapter
Uesli is based of my Bionicle OC, but design inspired by Havik from Mortal Kombat Deception (and Armageddon)
For final battle there few inspiration include my dream.
Before i join newgrounds and early years i saw one dream that based of final battle of some anime(?), it was giant core that floating with chains and like after battle the core is flying up and breaking chains and playing some music on backgrounds maybe is from Mortal Kombat Armagendon - Battle Arena and later realized that frame from Sonic CD cutscene, but different. The possible reason i saw Sonic CD is i was listening Sonic CD OST (JP/EU) and watched some cutscene in 2017 probably or early.
The moment when Basil died. Michelle after get sad still continues to play song like she playing "air guitar" is reference of kitty0706 machinima Team Fabulous 2 when tf2 engineer is unexpected way break his guitar and after he have go to main villain he plays solo on air guitar to stop apocalypse.
No matter how failed my idea of concept album of Michelle or how lost pontential especially i less motivated posting some sketched of Michelle lore, I still have stupid idea make sequel of concept album but in two album like: 10 tracks of Chloe Frosch side and other 10 tracks of Uesli Hasanworm side.
I have few idea like: Chloe works some comfy cafe, Crystal planet location, Mushroom forest location, Egyptian frog girl and reboot my other Old OC like Vlavi Melnikov (Bat-like Cyclops) and make Scaramorph us "joke" villian.
Men i want less deeper lore, but still i taking way too seriously like i very "ego" artist.
Maybe should i make forum and needs some redesign Scaramorph's outfit.
I hope you would like my album. Any advice for sequel lore?