Art is Dead!
Mentally disabled person and
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I draw OC a lot, landscapes, make music and M rated art sometimes.

Age 24, Male

Art and Music


Joined on 1/18/19

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Morpherence's News

Posted by Morpherence - June 9th, 2024

So i made "DLC" for Scavenger Witch album. After realized that lore of text is too long to read than ends one track of chapter, so i decided to make more tracks. Originally i want make us ep, but it grows us full long album.


Lore you can read here:




Michelle design i heavenly inspired by Somsnosa from Hylics, Magic Man from Adventure Time and some witch OC that i forgot.

Scaramorph was cameo in that album especially part when Uesli's chapter

Uesli is based of my Bionicle OC, but design inspired by Havik from Mortal Kombat Deception (and Armageddon)

For final battle there few inspiration include my dream.


Before i join newgrounds and early years i saw one dream that based of final battle of some anime(?), it was giant core that floating with chains and like after battle the core is flying up and breaking chains and playing some music on backgrounds maybe is from Mortal Kombat Armagendon - Battle Arena and later realized that frame from Sonic CD cutscene, but different. The possible reason i saw Sonic CD is i was listening Sonic CD OST (JP/EU) and watched some cutscene in 2017 probably or early.

The moment when Basil died. Michelle after get sad still continues to play song like she playing "air guitar" is reference of kitty0706 machinima Team Fabulous 2 when tf2 engineer is unexpected way break his guitar and after he have go to main villain he plays solo on air guitar to stop apocalypse.


No matter how failed my idea of concept album of Michelle or how lost pontential especially i less motivated posting some sketched of Michelle lore, I still have stupid idea make sequel of concept album but in two album like: 10 tracks of Chloe Frosch side and other 10 tracks of Uesli Hasanworm side.

I have few idea like: Chloe works some comfy cafe, Crystal planet location, Mushroom forest location, Egyptian frog girl and reboot my other Old OC like Vlavi Melnikov (Bat-like Cyclops) and make Scaramorph us "joke" villian.

Men i want less deeper lore, but still i taking way too seriously like i very "ego" artist.

Maybe should i make forum and needs some redesign Scaramorph's outfit.

I hope you would like my album. Any advice for sequel lore?



Posted by Morpherence - May 4th, 2024

I don't remember which day i joined on deviantart, but it's 10 years since i meet art community.

And 12 years since on youtube, but old account is deleted, cause people likes my old spice YTP video that on original was on Alt channel that lately change to original channel nickname like on Newgrounds. I have reuploaded old videos from 2012 to alt channel.

The internet early is way to slow and obscure for me, i mostly use youtube only until 2014.


From that pic description

All early main inspiration us internet artist.

Tahu bionicle us first stage 2011-2012 to started making hobby.

Heavy tf2 us starting grow my internet journey in 2013 such us GMOD, ytpmv and crossovers

Old Spice commercial Terry Crews us journey YTP, humor like cartoon parody and reason i got 1 million views on youtube in 2014

Pikachu a Pokemon us starting to draw on deviantart and then i started crossover fanart and late to original one in 2015

(the worst side that makes me into furry)

Two logos us musician inspiration and early taste music.

Left side is Bravocat by Pengosolvent us inspiration to make original music in between 2016 - 2017 includes original drawing.

Right Side is logo of Machinae Supremacy us early music taste and first love of metal and chiptune (especailly commodore 64 chip) and video game ost in general on early childhood.

Also YTPMV inspired me in 2015-2016 to make us that stuff, but mostly i made is lost media

For deviantart retrospective

I heard deviantart after i watched few bionicles videos, and i looked on channel i saw them da account of photo of M.O.C or OC of bionicle and draw. For later interested is bunch of GMOD channel for same reason and Pokemon fanarts i my final reason to join deviantart.

It's first time i create account by myself, first time is failed cause needs create email first. Only second try with exsted email is works and i got glitch of email when i first try to create that us well.


Originaly i wanted to post TF2 GMOD pics i made, but since i get interested of people who not only loves TF2, but also Nintendo especailly Pokemon (i remember i have pokeball toy clock, but i never watched early) and MLP (i never interested that i always avoid that interest). I remember first time i draw is Pokemon Victini butt flying (failure flying) include Swoobat in backgronds it's lost media between 2014 or 2015 i forgot. Since when hype of Pokemon Sun and Moon i drew few pokemon, but not too many like present days i drawing a lot first pic got attention is crossover TF2 Engineer Nope_avi meme and Alola Exeggutor (it's media again instead i have remake pics 2018)


Mostly I drew is fanart pokemon, but late 2017 or 2018 i drew way different, it's looks generic Some highlights is Pokemon Team Rocket us Robbie Rotten meme when people overuses meme "We Are Number One" for charity for health Stefán Karl Stefánsson that beat cancer for 2 years, late he is passed away in 2018 august 21 RIP.

I tried make mashup like Metal Gear Revengeance to that song, also mashup Robbie Williams song "Let Me Entertain You" but it's deleted and only Pepper Steak song from OFF is only saved


And fact "We Are Number One" is first song i can sing even i never looked lyrics before i remember all lyrics.




Other highlights is some Hollow Knight and Lisa the Joyful pics in fact Lisa the Joyful is still remain or was remain pics after i deleted my DA account





For personal favorite pics of old stuff include fan arts. Late 2018 i started make OC and weird original arts.

I have weird phase of "dark" and weird stuff i have listen Dr. Steel songs and draw Creepy Susie pics. Ehm i have no idea what kind taste was in 2018 and 2019 especially weird RPG maker games





Original arts.





One fact 2018 in 12 Janurary i create first OC that originally should name Piero, but changed in Scaramorph


I real reason i always wanted to follow artist who draw subjective pics of ladies, i never thought for late years i colud draw like these. I always love girls (i'm blame 2000's music video before i join internet in 2012, because is pretty corny)

I join Newgrounds in 2019 after tumblr purge (i never uses that site), in 2020 i delete cause i don't feel safe from scam messages. Last time looked on deviantart artist that i watched long ago not only subjective, but also creative and weird and mostly is just fanartist like pokemon artist are left and it get less reason to join again. Suprisingly people still uses DA even in present years that DA sells NFt and A.| post of shit.

I miss old internet, deviantart let's be honest. It's garbage too many fetish artist and searching is sucks too and aging like a milk.

Oh yeah! My early name was Nikit2111, but late in summer 2018 i change to Morpherence.


2012 summer pic jumpscare.



Posted by Morpherence - April 8th, 2024

So. I finally made new album, not just album, but entire lore of my OC. My dreams comes true, but also i dissapointed myself my grammar mistake. Here it is. You can download on bandcamp. I later post each song in each post.



For people who actually interested in lore.

This album is dedicated to Michelle, nicknamed Scavenger Witch. About the adventure is a frog witch where she encounters obstacles and memories of the past not only for her,

 but with one warlock who will meet on the way and possibly stop one of the threats of the planet Hasian.

1. The story begins with a witch who was considered a threat to everyone, she actually wasn't that evil, she treated a lot of people, cooked food, sewed fabrics and most importantly, 

she has a pet buddy guitar is able to treat people. One day she sensed a threat in a distant place where large-scale destruction was taking place in one town, 

she flew in and saw a single-eyed monster in female form with many small eyes on white hair. This monster turned out to be cursed with disappointment in life.

The witch wanted to calm her down with music and it almost worked, but the residents were unhappy with her presence and attacked her. She tried to calm the residents down, but it didn't work out.

She was even injured, and the monster killed all the inhabitants. The city was devastated and the witch came to use a complex spell to stop the monster.

She sharpened it in the shape of a core for a century. It was not a victory as the city was completely destroyed. In the last rest of her life, 

she opened up in the shadows and married one of the inhabitants of the planet Hasian, it was an antro-morphic frog.

A hundred years have passed and for the last more than twenty years there has been a deterioration of distortions in those regions where it is closer. 

More civilians are leaving for these regions and more robbers are coming. In one bar, while the robbers were hanging out, one of the bounty hunters came. 

She is wearing a poncho, has one leg in a prosthetic and looks like a witch. She has a flying pet guitar.

While she was sitting ordering food, the robbers looked suspiciously while she was eating, and the pet looks at them and warns her. 

The robbers started attacking her, but she was preparing in advance and attacked several at once. There was a fight in the bar in a few minutes and she defeated the robbers.

The witch who won is named Michelle Borisova, and her pet is named Basil.

2. After the fights in the bar, she went for a walk around the town and saw one of the establishments that were racing through the desert as a reward for winning the 

first place would get a lot of money. She accepted the fate. She was preparing her flying route similar to a distributor. Everyone was preparing for the race and started. 

The race is going well for the most part, but there were some obstacles and rarely there are attacks on other riders with each other. Michelle, despite the fact that 

she was almost in the last place, she overtook the fastest and won the first place. She bought some food for the long journey in order to have even more adventures.

3. During her travels, she met a warlock on the way with a helmet in a robe and looks different on her left hand. 

He warns of a more dangerous person who hunts witches. The enemy cyborg survived the damage, but he was reanimated into a cyborg in bad hands 

and manipulated into killing witches to prevent the monsters from calming down in a flying core. His nickname Necromoth Michelle did not believe and believes that warlock wants to attack her.

He had no choice but to fight for her. The battle was on a par, but warlock could win and had to try it on in advance. Michelle calmed down 

and asked a few questions with him before she continued on her way. She said her full name and warlock gave good news that her father is alive 

and is looking for you to calm the monsters and another witch mentor, who she is of the same race as Michelle (maybe she is a cousin of Michelle's mother). 

Warlock called himself by his full name and his name is Uesli Hasanworm.

Michelle hurried to find her father and left. Uesli saw in the distance that the Necromancer was approaching her and hurried after Michel's entanglement.

4. Michelle traveled to several places while looking for her father and one where there was greenery, she arrived in a village where destruction had recently occurred. 

It turns out that Michelle's mother used to live there. Michelle saw one of the stones where it is painted. She was approaching the stone, it depicts the symbol of the key of the cult with an eye 

in the middle and a similar "X" and possibly an "M" similar to a moth. She walked around the abandoned village and noticed two flags with a chest.

She looked in and saw a magic amulet that looked like a guitar pick, but while Michelle was looking into the chest, Basil saw a creature attacking from behind.

5. Michelle and Basil dodged and saw a cyborg in a raincoat. It was a Necromoth. He wanted both of them dead, blaming them for all the sins that the witches had done on this planet.

Michelle defended herself and dodged the attack that the Necromoth throws his helmet, which it is less frequent. The battle was not on an equal footing.

6. Michelle was almost killed by a Necromoth, but UeslI and his mentor came to the rescue on his glider. 

They fought against the Necromoth and the warrior stunned him for a while. Uesli and the mentor thanked Michelle and Basil and went to the jungle, 

that is, to their native lands as a mentor. Being a mentor in her native places. Michelle thanked her and Uesli for saving her. The mentor introduced her name and is glad to meet her cousin niece as Michelle.

Her name is Luara Pietra.

7. Night falls Michelle, Uesli and Loire are going to regain their strength. Michelle talked about her past before she fell asleep. 

Michelle was born in the clan of the "Blind Warrior" in the family of the military engineer cyborg Igor Borisov and the witch Valentina, 

where the inhabitants of the clan kept them to fulfill the prophecy (by their standards) to give peace to the monster. 

She was born physically disabled in the days after the victory against traitors and occultists, She studied at school and was a "black sheep" for three reasons: witch blood, disability, Russian accent.

She was bullied and teased by everyone, including the teacher, who does not like witches; except for one person with a frog family. 

It was Chloe Frosch. She was stupid, but beautiful sometimes gets into ridiculous situations and doesn't get upset about her failures. 

She met Michelle, pitied her by supporting her with conversation and was inspired by her when she later could be flexible, physically healthy, 

could play one of the guitars with music, but she could not sing, her voice was rough. Chloe wanted Michelle to teach her how to practice music and dance and even magic, 

although she is just an ordinary girl with an informal hobby. In the late period, Michelle became stronger and her character changed to a more grumpy one.

She was kicked out of school when she reached adulthood and considers herself too smart for a group of "stupid slugs"

Uesli remembered one of the moments when he met her after falling in love, but she refused and said that life was cruel. 

Michelle was surprised that his appearance had changed a lot, especially his face and left hand

Michelle continued her story. Igor made a prosthesis for Michelle during his school days and later built a whole glider. 

Michelle was surprised that such a ridiculous at first glance machines could drive so fast and agile.

One day Michelle went to get a resource for the clan, heard a rumble on the side of the clan, immediately returned to the clans, but it was far away 

and returned late everything was destroyed and the call of her father was not there, there were several corpses of those who died in the clan, 

but she could not find her father anywhere. She got upset and drove away from the incident.

While traveling away from the devastation, she saw a shooting star, saw the place of falls, 

she drove to them and got to the destination, she saw a guitar with a pattern and one eye, touched the strings of the guitar sounded magically 

and the guitar came to life. Michelle was surprised that this guitar is a living creature of alien origin and can transform guitars into a flying creature with four wings. 

Michelle named Basil after her mother when she passed away early due to an unknown illness.

Michelle began to make a living from music, but there were more scoundrels, she had to join the battle, go through all sorts of adventures and take all sorts of competitions.

That was the end of her story about her past. Michelle and Uesli are going to bed.

8. A few days have passed when everyone is especially Michelle. Loire began to train Michelle and Uesli and improve her skills. 

The training was more difficult for Michelle than for Uesli, and she even lost the duel against him in time. She improved dexterity, 

willpower and volition and music in order not to be a soulless virtuoso guitarist, but more sincere so that while playing the guitar you can not only heal, but restore the spirit and tranquility.

After training, Michelle and Uesli decided to compete in a duel again and Michelle almost won, but Loire stopped this duel and decided to celebrate because 

Uesli found a signal in the glider and this signal was the voice of Michelle's father that he was alive and was going to get out of the black desert.

Loire is convinced that Michelle is the savior of the planet Hasian, that she can correct the mistakes of her ancestors a hundred years ago.

Loire recalls telling Valentina about girl, who became a monster.

9. About a hundred years ago, there lived a girl named Melan. She was open-minded and good-natured, and dreamed of becoming a great magician to make the world a better place, 

but every time she sees poverty, conflicts, bad people in the city and the disappointment of life, she accumulated negative energy. Despite this, she became a great magician,

 but believes that she is not good enough and despite all the efforts people were unhappy with her and that they consider her a witch.

Once she fought a monster and won, but her magic is so strong that it damaged some cities and unintentionally injured people.

She began to lose control and began to blame herself for getting more negative energy. Once, on a walk, she met a couple of hooligans insulting her,

 she did not use force and decided to use diplomacy, but the hooligans manipulated the residents of the town, and everyone screamed and accused of all sins.

 Melan became hysterical and lost control of her magic, turning it into a curse.

She turned into a monster and began to destroy everything in her path. Later, the witch described above came, she imprisoned her in the core so they did not allow her to calm Melan.

And after a hundred years, she begins to wake up still with a negative intention. 

After this story, Luara offered to refresh herself and gather behind Michelle's father and use music to calm her down once and for all.

10. After training and telling Michelle, Wesley and Luara went to the black desert. During her travels, 

Michelle remembered and wanted to ask Uesli what happened to him and how he survived. 

He replied that he fought in the clan against the attack of evil spirits and distortion came across in several places, 

then at that time he did not know how to use magic. When the situation turned out to be a complete collapse and many civilians left the clans, 

including Igor, to protect the refugees and the remaining fighters fought for the rest of their lives despite defeat.

Once he saw one portal going into the world of distortion, he risked getting into the portal to avoid the scene of the accident. 

He fell into another world by falling into turquoise lakes, when he got out, he saw creatures that looked completely different and his injured left arm 

changed more semi-insect-like and his face changed from frogs to more different sometimes it looks like a lizard.

Uesli saw one mysterious sorcerer of tiny size, slightly fat with one eye. He demanded to choose from this world, but the sorcerer demanded proof 

that he could get out. Uesli survived and even got used to these worlds and even begins to show magic in the likeness of lightning by killing one of the monsters.

 The sorcerer was surprised that such a mortal could show such an ability and released him back into the real world and said that there were several worlds of distortion,

 that he ruled one of them, and he could not rule the rest because he admitted that he was too stupid and naive. And he released Uesli back into the real world, into the jungle.

In the real world, he met Loire. She knew in advance that he was not from evil and asked 

"Where did you come from and how did you get into the world of distortion and “survived" Uesli, describing above, 

mentioned both Igor and Michelle. Luara was delighted that she now had a great-niece and also regretted her passing

Michelle's mother Valentina. She restored him in addition to his appearance, trained him and offered to find her. 

Uesli had previously managed to meet the Necromoth and reported to the Luara. Luara was afraid in advance of the future destruction of the planet Hasian.

After the end of Uesli's story. Michelle and their companions continued their search and found one of the gliders. 

When they stopped, they met Michelle's father. Igor was happy, like Michelle's daughter herself, that they had found each other. 

They left the black desert with him.

11. Igor said that it was not the first time he had seen the spoilage of the distortions of the world even before the birth of Michelle in the clan of the blind warrior.

 He lived in a small town with an older brother named Max. Once there was a damage in one building when Max

He became interested in other worlds using them in the name of science. He was building an energy ball to make contact with another world, 

but later it exploded and Max suffered the most. The rest of the scientists left the place of the incident, and Max was taken to another world by a pair of occultists,

 making him a cyborg to destroy the savior plan from corruption and evil spirits. Igor got the information later by asking a couple of scientists who survived the incident.

 The town itself was preparing for a possible second wave of damage and evacuation.

Gliders and ships were ready to leave the city after evacuating all residents, 

but there were losses and one of the small ship where Igor was hit by a wave of distortion damage and got into an accident. 

Everyone died in this ship, except Igor, who was wounded in his left arm. From the remaining parts of the ship, he built a prosthetic left arm a few days later, eating what food he had left.

After running out of food, he had to leave the destroyed ship and saw several gangs from certain clans.

They did not greet Igor so warmly, but he convinced them that he was in peace and could be useful.

He met the clan leader, who is a blind warrior with a large war hammer. He offered to prove that Igor was a worthy warrior.

Igor proved that he was worthy and shared a couple of resources from the destroyed ship and engineering, but not everyone was 

happy with him and among them were a couple of traitorous occultists who wanted to defeat the blind warrior early, but failed. 

The leader of this group of occultists was a skin-like warrior with two large centipede-like arms.

One day Igor met a mysterious girl in relation to magic. It was Valentine and she was a witch.

They had a love relationship and one of the conversations Igor told me that the wave of spoilage had increased dramatically due to unsuccessful experiments.

Valentina said that she could stop the spoilage with the music of tranquility and told the stories of the witches of the ancestors described above.

The clan began to believe in more hopes of saving the planet Hasian thanks to Igor's technology. They continued to search for the core.

By the time Valentine was born, she began to feel bad and it is possible that she is the last one to save. She confessed her love for Igor,

 they got married and she gave birth to Michelle. Valentina died when Michelle was seven years old. Igor began to take more careful care of Michelle, despite the fact that she is the new "messiah"

During the care, Igor prepares not only a glider for Michelle, but also restores the ship for evacuation in order to avoid the "third" wave of distortion damage in his case.

15 years have passed and a wave of corruption has overtaken so Michelle did not have time to come home to the clan with resources. 

Igor, along with civilians, evacuated the disaster zone, although initially he wanted not only with Michel, but the remaining troops,

 however, blind wars took part of the troops to delay the attack, including Uesli, and appointed Igor as the title, although it will be under a different clan name. 

The evacuation was successful, but there were casualties and even some of the survivors from the clan sided with the occultists.

This was the last battle of the blind warrior.

12. While leaving the black desert, a group of Michelle's comrades came to the city where the destruction occurred a hundred years ago. Some places are covered with

 greenery and some of the debris has become part of the natural greenery.

We stopped walking further and in the fog we could see a huge core with chains and some squares formed small islands. They came close to the flying core. And it remains to 

perform soothing music to cleanse the sins and negative energy accumulated for more than a hundred years. 

Michelle was preparing a performance and in time for the interruption came a group of traitor occultists and the leader of the group, Scaron Stonoga. 

He wanted world domination and wanted to gain power. They awakened the core itself with the chaos amulet.

The chains began to break, the core begins to collapse like a cocoon. Michelle's companions defended themselves against the occultists, while Michelle tries to play the music of rest,

but a Necromoth appeared in the fog and stopped her arrival. And so the monster is completely released from the core and she is in full rage as the first destruction of that city.

Scaron solemnly says during the awakening of the monster, "In the name of chaos, give me power in front of this planet! Chaosmoth, Arise!"

13. The moth of chaos destroyed the landshafts and slowly flew to the cities in the distance. The battle of the merchants against the legions of occultists was intense.

 Michelle fought against the Necromoth, but Luara distracted him and offered to use incantation music. Michelle performed, but the music wasn't loud enough for the chaos moth to hear.

 A scaron of many-armed men attacked several of them, separating the bodies from it like an aircraft carrier producing several aircraft.

This distracted many that even the Necromancer returned to the main goal of killing Michelle. Uesli immediately followed him. 

And one throw from the disc saw helmet is aimed directly at Michelle, but Basil Guitar is protecting her by sacrificing himself.

14. Basil dies forming a small outbreak, destroying those who are against Michelle and the merchandise. Most of the legions of occultists have weakened.

 The battle continues: Luara took on the remaining occultists, Igor against Scaron, and Uesli against Necromoth. Michelle stands in shock, falling to her knees, looks at the remaining remnants of Basil,

 sheds a small drop of tears and slowly plays as if she had played the guitar all her life until her death. The Chaosmoth stops and begins to hear the melodies that she is playing. 

The moth calms down, and the fight continues, but already on the side of the merchandise. The Luara overcomes the legions,

Uesli destroys the Necromoth along with enchantment and Igor overpowers Scaron, even when Scaron goes on the run. And with one glance of the rays of the luminous Scaron,

 he flies and approaches the eye of Melan face to face, he disappears and she cleanses her sins and forgives for what she did earlier, including for being in the core.

 Melan transforms back into an ordinary, but brighter sorceress.

15. The battle against the end of the world ended successfully. The legion of occultists was destroyed. UeslI, Igor, and Luara looked at Michelle,

 Basil's remains, and Necromoth's destroyed mechanical body. The necromancer returns to normal, his consciousness returned, but it was the last one before 

he went to another world. He apologizes to his brother Igor and Michelle for messing up and for falling into the hands of the devil

Melan wanted to offer the desire to resurrect Max (Necromoth) and Basil, but Max offered to give the power to Michelle and Basil, including the resurrection

 of Basil himself, so that he could attack and protect him by taking him to another world.

Melan accepted and took Max with her, flying into deep space and possibly protecting the planet Hasian itself. Having resurrected Basil,

 Michelle was delighted to hug him, and together her comrades hugged together. They watched together as Melan took Max and flew into space.

16. After the victory, the comrades left away from the ruins and away from the place where there are many robbers. Michelle and Uesli dueled and

 fought for the aspiration of who became much stronger.

Michelle defeats Uesli by breaking part of the helmet's face and kissing him, they begin to show more love for each other, Igor and Luara also show love,

 but they are in no hurry to get married.

Founded in one more advanced city, Michelle meets an old friend, Chloe. She told the whole adventure that she had already been through.

 Chloe talked with great interest, even envying her friend Uesli, for which Michelle is embarrassed.

Igor arranges a garage for the invention of all sorts of "junk", Luara sometimes dedicates to the Borisov family. 

Michelle and Uesli hunt about evil spirits and find more adventures, but that's a completely different story.



Posted by Morpherence - March 24th, 2024

Hi. I started past week to make new album.

If you want to hear my album early. Support me on Boosty: https://boosty.to/morpherence



I would post one song on NG if you want. Just tell me.



Posted by Morpherence - February 18th, 2024

Sup. I made new album. It's jazz-grind or cybergrind with jazz-fusion or etc.

I planned make in 2023 autumn, but only this week i finished it. It's chaotic, weird and dissonance.

You can listen on NG

and download on bandcamp: https://morpherence.bandcamp.com/album/odd-dreams


For people who interested about my dreams you can read here. idk which age rating to choose you can ask me

TL;DR description about my songs of my dreams.

1 and 10 song 2023_06_13: Night I got dream like I watching indie rock duet band video

probably japanese or korean first the featuring non band female vocalist singer they

only words I remember is she says Hooni (I don't read korean manga about depressed boy

with fights own "mental demons") and second videoclip the walking dogs some dogs

doesn't have skin skin only bones, but still have skin and fluff on head at early

morning. Other part of dream I saw the girl cut off plastic parts of her hair,

she has white hair.

2 Song: The childhood song I got started scared by radio host opening long time ago

3 Song: 2023_10_10: Dream i saw Lost Media Jockey Restaurant building

founded by Robert Jockey in 1988.

Mostly well know of few featuring movie and videoclip of rappers in 90s.

People only now trying find this building where it comes from,

how building looks and how it looks now.

It's from America obiviously.

4 song 2023_10_07: I have dreamed i watched old TV and switched channels,

but only last 28 channel is curse weird noise kinda looks like

vide Giygas from earthbound or analog horror.

I switched over and over and stuck channel of bionicles

while i play lego called bionicles that doesn't looks like bionicle

and tv started itself switched to 28 channel and i awake.

5 song 2023_10_07: Next dream i stuck at house that kinda vide of Evil Dead,

but the sky are cyan blue or light night i guest, on house

i trying songwritting jazz-grind album under name Dikitanovich

when i writing music it looks minimal layers.

Something weird happening like adventure most memoriable

i make song acoustic like non jazz

grind vibe to girl named Gaz (it's not from Invader Zim).

6 song: The nightmare i died on car accident by bionicle cars (probably Visorak)

7 song 2023_10_11: Tonight I saw dream that newgrounds got updated.

First it got unity engine and called unity grounds it was weird.

Second is deleted all pic entire decade and moved

to pixiv and called pixiv ground. To join pixiv ground needs

only Id from own pixiv account. Show pics of my OC and bionicles

with some pics that are fetish art.

That was worst. Next I was at grandparents.

I trying to join newest newgrounds,

but my grandpa started talking shit while he was drunk,

I got mental breakdown, after bad moment

we both have to calm down and have eat some desert.

Last moment I saw is people have many percussion to

drumming and dance at the same time.

8 song 2023_04_29 : I saw like Aero era (after watching video). The Dream looks like

half-life 2 I played TF2 2007 and I eat extra Phone that looks like of 2000s, but

easy holding, it taste like bubblegum lemon. I hold sack of extra stuff with sand for cat

toilet. I waited parrents form bathroom I ruined sack with crab legs.

I saw Invader Zim episode when Zim and Gir disgusted a lot of cheeses and Gir said

in russian voice actor "Now I going to shit", and internet is hacked. Probably?

9 song 2022_11_08: I have one lucid dream. When I saw on social media some artist

who draw cartoonish horror characters. She is vampire OC. I saw in bio to group of

city. I joined to look and I literally in the real life or virtual world.

My civilians remains me artist that got cancelled in 2020. I looked on channel link,

they allowed me and I photoshoot that (but i forgot it's just a dream)

The city is small I looked few thing. Most memorable is library where there have old school

horror items. Looks them and I think "Nah, Not Thanks" Last before I wake up

I see a lot civilians don't like cartoon or furry artist. I vomit many teeth that

i don't have it, that i pay it to theater. I tried to find vampire OC artist, but

it didn't happened. Guardians have seek me, they chasing me. At the end I got

on weird old cartoon fairy tale characters. They judging to bad guy not me.

The guy is little bit and died by ruler of that city. He looks like a Void from

Berserk. After speech he tried to catch me and entire move have pause. I said

"and that I how wake up".

11 song: Sometimes i see same dreams over and over, but uncanny sometimes.

I miss bionicles too much. 


Posted by Morpherence - February 6th, 2024

I curretly making new album is jazz grind. It's weird, dissonance, chaotic.

You can listen early excluslive on boosty: https://boosty.to/morpherence/posts/0b747646-484f-44d2-a7b6-19e7c17d0504


I had yesterday crashed my PC. Making album is exhusting and frustrating



Posted by Morpherence - January 22nd, 2024

So birthday celebration is over. I lately to say cause i lazy and also mental health issue.

I feel i losing ethusiasm to draw especially lore of OC Michelle.

Thank you everyone who celebrate me.

I want make music album, but men it's so exhusting and big chance is wasted pontential and ignorance of tubeyou and bandcamp.

Maybe i should make commission list to get money since my paypal is not working anymore. (i'm Jobless)

Anyway thanks for draw my OC :@OnceHere @L3ny @notjoaquin and @LordNebula

If you want advice and talk with me DM or on this post comments.



Posted by Morpherence - January 7th, 2024

Hi. Next 2 weeks (21 jan) will be my birthday. Since my paypal doesn't work and i can't buy music albums that i like mostly: Rezzet - Rezzet lp and Yerzmyey - Rave is illegal or maybe small price donate on my boosty.

Sorry for begging. But every time i posting on youtube my music people doesn't care execpt ytp old spice, and bandcamp also doesn't care too. I need your advice how to get money. (Особенно тем кто русскоговорящих людей)

I could continue make art and music cause is only reason why i live, if i don't get real support guest i have to go shitty job that i don't get enjoy.

Sorry again for begging.


also i have beat half-life (xen is such a bullshit level)


Posted by Morpherence - December 31st, 2023


2023 was meh for me. I was jobless over year.

2023 was was productive for art drawing (and art fight 2023) than music making.

2023 i try much more productive for music and i don't going even more productive for art cause i get frustration that i draw to mediocre and same formula over and over again.

Thank you for 223 followers that grow 2x more like since 2021 (50 followers), 2022 (100 followers).

Thank you for support me and fan art of me (maybe next should give me maney on boosty don't you)







I hope i will something new interesting not only art and music.



Posted by Morpherence - November 24th, 2023

Hello, everyone. I'm bored cause i always share music some mutual people on discord and i decided to share that i like most. I'm not sure i can't talk music a lot, but some experince have from past I will share.


I did haven't listen long time since i download album in 2018. It's collection of songs that Colorgeist made in past.

One day i used listen when after i watched creepypasta video and having nightmare. For seriously it's unique album

all songs has different synth or soundfont that fits well in vgm music.


This album i listened in past year (2022) when i wanted to find free album with playing saxophone after i listened technical death metal band Rivers of Nihil that few track used Saxophone that show beauty of track.

For saxophone song used in this album is fifth track "After"

I have same moment when i have nightmare i use fully listen, it's so calm and warm and let me calm down.

For people who wants japanese album i highly recommend this ep.


Himiko Kikuchi - Flying Beagle

Speaking about Japanese music, Yall like Jazz?

Joke aside. I remember when i listenned mashup song of Yung Venuz and some random jazz loops that nobody knows until some body upload full album that featuring song that use in Yung Venuz. It's track called "Baby Talk"

That mashup i having vibe while swimming on beach:


Atleast even enough photo of pet i getting more attention to listen this album.

For album it's much more jam (my mom said that) jazz-fusion album. Really nice.


maybelle - キンポウゲの日々(Buttercup days)

This album i found recently thanks by rateyourmusic (no i'm not going to register and rate any music album i listened it's exhusting)

Probably obscure for wild west i listened. It's chill indie pop album,

some acoustic like "Have a kitten" (favorite one) and some indie lite rock.


Rezzet - Rezzet LP

For japanese is cover art by creator GeGeGe no Kitarou Shigeru Mizuki

The album made by british duet Rezzet.

It's house music (mostly track), but much Lo-Fi sound and last track is more jungle.

I love in fact that cover art fits music these guys, it feels jungle vibe. (thank rateyoumusic)


Paavoharju - Yhä h​ä​m​ä​r​ä​ä

Well this one is more obscure and lo-fi (cover art meaning us)

It's Finnish psycheldelic folk album by Paavoharju.

For intro is kinda creepy. I have nothing to say this album, but definetly needs to listen to feel experince

This thing i like cause "Yup. It's obscure album" (don't judge me the digest is not serious i wanted to share album)


Metatronaut - Waveform Warrior

Enough obscure rateyourmusic album. Time to talk my favorite chiptune album all time.

Cover art made Nightmargin mostly well know us creator of puzzle game Oneshot

Could talk a lot this album (of course not, especilly non native language)

But i have a lot favorites tracks such us "Born To Fly", "The Crucis Fiasco", "Northern Lights", "Chrome City".

Born to Fly it feel more melancholic, but so nice that gives wish to fly something

The Crucis Fiasco is so epic song that gives you us you join on epic adventure ,no it's not undertale like, but pretty sure

many people have own "soundtrack" about adventure no matter what genre should be metal, classic, jazz or even ambient from my childhood game spore, off)

Unfortanetly project Metatronaut is not active, but active in different name nanode that make close danceability us that album, but way more modern edm and some banger of new project i like.

I kinda miss days when i use deviantart to endlessly look more art include Nightmargin for example and what gonna say is to thank to Nightmargin to introdice great chiptune music of Metatronaut (or Nanode). Sometime i wish that she make own songs, i miss new music of Night.


Yerzmyey - Rave is illegal!

Yup. Last time i have more nostalgia. For chiptune or i should say tracker techno music that made on Amiga i like

ep of Yerzmyey. My favorite track is first one.

This only thing us have great (not epic) is listening this song while playing tf2 on deathrun map bank.

It's not all music i wanted to share and say. Last time i listened a lot music and overlisting is exhusting us i said early.

I hope you like my test blog to see how people reacted my blog.

Since i can't buy some digital album,game and sell my music. I wanted to some people gifted to me on bandcamp if possible since i opened my boosty and no one supports me. Ugh.

Anyway. Have a good day and take care

The albums:








